“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” — Carl Sagan

[ सुनियोजित ,सुव्यवस्थित ,संतुलित ,अनुकूलित ,अनुशासित जीवन ]

About Us

About Us…….

I am Lecturer In Physics. In addition to Physics, I am an expert in Philosophy, Psychology, Life Management, and Time Management skills. I write very interesting Science Fiction. Through this site, I am going to guide the students of the intermediate level about their studies.I will write on public interest topics related to Physics e.g.Northern Lights, Lightening, God Particles, and Wave nature of matter in simple and easy-to-understand language for the common man also. I will deliver lectures on intermediate Physics to help the students through my Youtube channel. These lectures and study material provided by me will help the students very much in home study.

I will also guide the students about the best performance in exams. A complete guide will be available about health based on Ayurved, Patanjali’Yog Darsan with a modern approach. To reduce stress I will suggest some practical ideas that really work.

I will suggest the way to the right behavior based on some great theories and practical ideas.

And a lot of good stuff.